Laboratory of Internal Practices

Martial Arts School of Ivan Kotik

Contact us to learn more
Laboratory of Internal Practices

Martial Arts School of Ivan Kotik
Contact us to learn more

About Laboratory

Term GongFu (Kung Fu) in Eastern Tradition, Chinese in particular, can be translated as Mastery. Historically, a cult of GongFu prevailed in China. The word is the origin of a widely popular definition KungFu in the West which is a collective name for all Chinese martial arts. You either possess mastery or it is worth nothing within Martial Arts.

However, this notion is linked to a deeper philosophical meaning, and its use is much wider. In modern Chinese language KungFu is often applied in different contexts which are always related to a skill achieved through hard work and time spent to acquire the skill. Mastery. It is an aspiration to master the skill that changes body and consciousness, which cannot be achieved simply through the drill and routine. Mastery of KungFu should be nurtured. This process resembles the art of a gardener. In order to grow a tree, right conditions should be in place as well as one needs to step aside and not to interfere with nature. Nurturing happens in accordance with personal organics and body instincts. In other words, it is a “smart practice”. This is the reason why we need Laboratory - to create conditions to cultivate mastery.

In Taoist schools, martial arts were not only effective tools for self -defense, but also, they were types of practices on the way for self-cultivation (self-improvement). Attainment of body and mind well-being and combat skills often go side by side complementing each other.

Extract from interview about idea of Laboratory of Internal practices.
Head of Laboratory - Ivan Kotik


Martial Arts
Xing Yi Quan
Studying Xing Yi Quan - traditional internal school of Chinese Martial Arts
Ivan Kotik is initiated directly into traditional school lineage of master Li Guoyou

Life-nurturing science
Yang Sheng Xue


Diamond Strength practice Jin Gang Gong ("8 external exercises") and Longevity practice Chang Shou Gong ("8 internal exercises") for strengthening body. It also serves as a basis for internal work with body physics and mind. These exercises were passed down from Taoist hermit Zhang Zhishun. Both parts belong to one unified practice which aims at body strengthening and revitalization. There are a number of other practices included in Yang Sheng Xue such as standing practice and others.


Daily classes

Saturday and Sunday

Offline Option (at school)

8.30 am - 11.0 am (Moscow time)


Head of Laboratory - Ivan Kotik
Head of Laboratory is Ivan Kotik - pedagogue, movie and theatre actor, stunt performer.

From his childhood, he has been studying martial arts and psychophysical practices (for over 30 years). Ivan lived in China for 15 years, where he learned from old generation of masters, both external and internal schools, including Taoist masters.

From 2002 he works at School of Drama Art Theater as pedagogue and as an actor under Anatoly Vasilyev. He adapted eastern arts on the basis of martial arts to develop psychophysical trainings for drama actors. He taught in Italy, Greece and Poland.

Ivan was a part of stunt team of Jackie Chan «JC StuntTeam» . He also collaborated with such movie stars of action genre as Jackie Chan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sammo Hung, Dolph Lundgren, Scott Adkins, Nick Powell and others. Ivan directed combat choreography both for movie and theatre scenes.
Head of Laboratory of Internal Practices and Martial Arts School Ivan Kotik

Master Zhou Qinqin
Zhou Qinqin is from Shandong City, Liangshan County. Liangshan is one of the places famous for its martial traditions. This was the place described in the classic novel «Water Margin», where heroes from all over China traveled and maintained a kind of Cossack army. Since then, Liangshan became famous for its many martial arts schools. Qinqin, who had been passionate about martial arts since childhood entered her uncle’s martial arts school against will of her parents, where she studied both modern and traditional styles. Already in adolescense, she became interested in internal schools and Taoist traditions of «Nourishing life». So she devotes herself to research in this field entirely, having visited and received instructions from many masters of the old generation.

Qinqin is a successor of Taijiquan tradition Chen Xiao Jia style (Chen Fake- Hun Junshen – Cui Luyi –Zhou Qinqin); successor of Xing Yi Quan tradition from Master Li Gouyou; she learned Taoist traditions from Taoist hermit Zhang Zhishun. She is also a disciple of a family internal school tradition.

Qinqin, being an active practitioner and researcher, based on instructions of the old masters, has formed her unique approach to teaching internal arts. She is also interested in tea traditions. Qinqin lived in Fujian, where she studied traditions of white tea prodiction on Fuding tea plantations.
She also worked in movies as stuntman, including with the stunt team of Jackie Chan and others.
Master of Laboratory of Internal Practices and Martial Arts School Zhou Qinqin


Ivan Kotik
Ivan Kotik
Ivan Kotik with his Master Li Gouyou in Beijing

Video library
Videos about masters, practices and martial arts culture

About Master Zhang Zhishun
Master Zhang Zhishun (张至顺) was born in 1912 and came from humble background. He started learning about Taoism at the age of 12, and later gained recognition for his spiritual accomplishments and medical knowledge. He was 21st lineage holder of Dragon Gate School of Daoism (全真龙门派).
Film shows everyday life of Master Zhang Zhishun at Huang Zhong Temple, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province. There, he spent his last years leaving this world at the age of 104 in good health and spirit.
Diamond Strength practice Jin Gang Gong
Master Zhang Zhishun

Formerly, according to master Zhang Zhishun, this practice used to be only transmitted within tradition to a single disciple strictly. This fact is confirmed by the proof that until now there are no other lines of this practice transmission had been found anywhere, except those lines that are coming directly from master Zhang.

Thanks to that, immemorial practice reached present day, clearly retaining its archaic features without being “trampled” by modern times: simplicity and conciseness of movements and images effectively open the body.

Master Zhang saw diseases of modern-day people, so he decided that the time arrived to reveal this practice to the public, as a tool to strengthen and heal the body.

News and Announcements
Past and upcoming events

    Knowledge base
      Art Gallery Île Thélème
      Moscow, Pravda street, bldg. 24, blk. 11

      Phone number: +7 931 349 7239
      ИП Котик Иван Николаевич
      Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 772478458729

      Laboratory of Internal Arts of Ivan Kotik